frenchtown fiber

Chris Mundy and Kate House try to make art while navigating the crap life throws at them.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I was Invited

I was invited to join Design Style Guide, which is an Etsy team. So I read about this team, which has hundreds of members, and decided to join. They have a very nice and professional looking web site and you can create listings there which are linked directly to your Etsy store. Membership starts at $12 per year for 2 listings. I took the next step up, $32 per year for 8 listings. Hopefully it will bring more traffic to my store, which has been pretty quiet lately. My ultimate goal is for my art to supplement my income a bit when (if) I retire. Of course, this is now one more thing to do that isn't making art. They are picky about the photos you submit, so I have been taking out the backgrounds on my old listing photos. (Most of my quilts were nailed to the garage when I took the pictures, gulp.) Does anyone else out there belong to an Etsy team?

1 comment:

Marty Mason said...

I belong to the Louisiana Etsy's a freebie. Let me know if this investment helps with the traffic. I get no traffic, so will probably phase Etsy out. I'm thinking it's not worth putting good money into bad (as they say).