frenchtown fiber

Chris Mundy and Kate House try to make art while navigating the crap life throws at them.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting Back to Normal (and magazines)

Back to normal, whatever that is. I think it means that I won't be running around every single night for the next few months. I'm looking forward to that.

Last night Kate went to a Best Buds picnic. After I dropped her off, I went over to Borders book store to hang out. I love grabbing a pile of magazines and finding a comfy chair.

They finally had that Artful Blogging magazine I was wanting to check out. It's OK. I was hoping for more suggestions to help me make this blog better. What I got was a look at other people's blogs, but that's OK, at least I got to see what it was like.

I found a few other magazines that I really liked. Has anyone taken a look at Selvedge? It's from the UK and costs $25 per issue. I could not justify it, but I liked everything about it from the paper it's printed on to the layouts and the photography. It costs a small fortune to subscribe, but they do have an E-subscription for less than a quarter of the price of a hard copy. Far from ideal, but maybe the best compromise.

There was this other magazine, I cannot remember the name, even after an online search, but it seemed to be directed at people who are making historical costumes. Like, for instance, civil war re-enactors. I read article about how women used to knit socks to send to soldiers during the civil war. I can't see myself ever knitting socks, but I loved reading about this. They had actual pictures of old socks, they looked like regular socks! I know that must sound dumb. Some of the socks had American flags knitted in. The article included the notes that would be tucked into the socks for the soldiers to find, wishing them well.

Most of my socks are those ubiquitous made-in-China socks. They have endlessly interesting designs, don't they? Too bad about that elastic that puts a huge dent in your leg after wearing them all day. Too bad that after a few months they get this weird, almost crispy feeling to them, that rub the bottom of your feet and make you want to cry. I had to chuck a pair that wasn't worn out at all, just really crispy. They had monkeys eating bananas on them.

I also found another issue of Surface Design Magazine, which I bought. That one is a mere $10. I think I will subscribe to that.

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